
At CCDC, children are our ‘clients’ - we care for them with the deepest respect, giving them opportunities to love who they are and thrive everyday


Welcome to the Infant Room, a place where we hope your child will find:

Security both the security that comes from knowing this is a safe place for them, and the security that comes from knowing they are understood and accepted for who they are.

 where the children are free to interact with adults as well as other children, and where they receive the full attention of the adults that allows them to explore and grow.

Active Learning where the children are free to grow through their senses by getting into and all-over things within a safe environment.

We hope families will partner with our staff to make the year a special growth experience for their children.  We want families to communicate with our staff throughout the year any concerns or questions they have regarding their child or activities in the Infant Room.

Our practices include:


Daily Charts The Infant Room keeps track of daily happenings on individual clipboards. We ask parents to fill out (and periodically update) a general Daily Schedule form for their child.  This form stays on the clipboard. This has a section to be completed by parents each morning.  With infants still on individual schedules, it is important for us to know things like when he/she woke up, when and how much he/she has eaten, etc.  Teachers will fill in the chart with naps, meals, etc., from during the day.  Parents typically take it home at the end of the day.

ca-comp1Classroom Environment In order to provide a clean, safe, and healthy environment in the Infant Room we are shoe free The infants spend much of their time exploring on the floor, so it is best that these areas be kept as clean as possible.  We change the materials and equipment available in the Infant Room on a regular basis to meet the rapidly changing developmental needs of the infants.

Family Visiting Our doors are always open for parents and grandparents or other special friends in the Infant Room.  Because schedules vary, visits and phone calls are welcome at any time.  Some parents find a phone call before visiting helps plan a good time to come (usually awake time!).  As infants get older, separations may become more difficult.  There are usually times of day that make visit transitions a bit easier (e.g., before meals, before outside time.

Food Storage Each infant has a labeled bin over the counter for jars and snacks, and tray in the refrigerator for bottles and other foods that need to stay cold.  Parents are asked to bring the number of bottles they estimate their baby will need each day ready to heat (it is hard to wait when you are hungry!).  We provide all bowls, plates, cups, forks and spoons.   When children start on solid foods a lunch box is the best way to bring food to school.

Sleeping Routines  Each child has a labeled crib with a bin under it to store extra sheets and blankets.  State licensing requires that bedding (sheets, blankets, teddy bears, etc.) be laundered weekly.   CCDC has a washer and dryer.  We will wash the children's bedding in Dreft weekly unless we hear otherwise from you.  It is also a good idea to keep an extra pacifier in the room if your child needs one.  Babies are always placed on their backs to sleep for safety reasons.

Diapering  Diapers are provided by parents.  CCDC will provide wipes and diaper cream with approval from parents.

Outside Walks  Babies are taken outside in strollers for walks every day except in the case of extreme weather conditions.